
Spicy Chicken Filled Tortillas

9:28 AM

بِسْــــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ اارَّحِيم

Assalamualaikum. Kot2 yang tak tahu nak buat sarapan apa esok atau hidangan petang nanti, bolehlah cuba tortilla ni. Sedap dan menjadi kegemaran hubby sudah. Makan memang tak cukup satu. Mel malas nak keluarkan ayam, jadi guna burger segera je. Cepat masak! hihi

Spicy Chicken Filled Tortillas
Recipe: Food

3 chicken breast fillets - mel ganti dengan burger ayam Ramly
4 garlic cloves
1 red onion
2 tomatoes
1 green capsicum
2 tablespoons olive oil
1/4 teaspoon chili powder
8 ready-made flour tortillas
50 g cheddar cheese or 50 g monterey jack cheese
1 sprig flat leaf parsley, to garnish
lemon wedge, to garnish

Sos cili secukupnya - mel tambah

1. Cut the chicken into thin strips, peel and crush the garlic, peel and slice the onion, de-seed and roughly chop the tomatoes and deseed and slice the capsicum into strips.
2. Heat the oil in a large pan or wok, preferably non-stick and fry the chicken over a high heat, stirring for 2-3 minutes until it is starting to brown; add the garlic and onion and fry for another 2 minutes; stir in the chilli powder, tomatoes and capsicum and cook for 2-3 minutes, stirring, until the chicken is cooked through.
3. Preheat the grill to medium, grill the tortillas for 6 seconds on each side, or until warm; transfer them to a work surface and spoon equal amounts of the chicken filling onto the centre of each tortilla and roll up tightly. [ Mel sapu rata sos cili pada tortilla sebelum sudukan intinya ]
4. Transfer the filled tortillas to an ovenproof dish and sprinkle with cheesse; cook under a hot grill for 2 minutes, or until golden. Garnish with parsley and lemon and serve.

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5 comment

  1. sedapnya dpt mkn ni time perot tgh lapor...munyik2 da ni...kalau dekat boleh terjah umah mel ek...

  2. Anak2 akak suka juga ni. Kalu akak akak buat vege je. Ltak banyak2.

  3. Suka mkn cmni time diner...x berat...+ sihat kan...:-)

  4. ehh.. mana kau ketemu wrap itu.. bawa dr semenanjung ka? daku siap menguli doh lg nk buat tortilla nih tau sbb xjumpa wrap..

  5. [ fazianbatrisyia ] - Mungkin pindah dekat nanti. Siapa tau kan..leh datang terjah hari2 ^^

    [ Suzie ] - mel rumah tak berapa ada sayur la ni, jadi ini je yang mampun buat.

    [ asyifa mustaffa ] - mel makan time sarapan. Perut laparr..laju je makan

    [ tun_telani ] - beli kat Giant Segamat cayang..Besela semua import dari sana..pasni habis stok, kena nguli juga lerr.kuikuiii
